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中国农业大学 发展规划处, 北京 100193
关键词:  新时代  农科高等教育体系  概念框架  大学转型  发展路径
Transformation and development: The path of constructing the agricultural higher education system in the new era
QU Yingde,LI Shan
Department of Development and Planning, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
As the modern world is undergoing tremendous changes unseen in a century, the internal and external conditions of China's development are changing profoundly. The agricultural higher education system needs to make timely and responsive changes. Based on the current situation and problems of the agricultural higher education system, this study focuses on the theme of the development path of the agricultural higher education system in the new era. Profound analysis on the opportunities and challenges faced is preformed to put forward the conceptual framework of agricultural higher education system in the new era. This framework explains the ideas of constructing the agricultural higher education system in the new era from five perspectives of reaching a consensus concept, focusing on the two cores, following the three logical lines, sticking to the four targets, and constructing a new system of “five in one”, which will provide ideas and references for the transformation and development of world-class agricultural universities.
Key words:  new era  agricultural higher education system  conceptual framwork  university transformation  development path