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1.中国农业大学 农学院, 北京 100193;2.北京市农林科学院 玉米研究所, 北京 100097
为解析玉米双单倍体(doubled haploid,DH)群体的遗传规律,使用自主研发的精准分型策略对‘先玉335’DH群体的Maize6H-60K芯片结果进行筛选校正和解析。结果表明:1)通过剔除单态、杂合、缺失标记,使用精准分型策略对标记准确聚类,获得的18 947个SNPs标记覆盖玉米全基因组。2)该群体在10条染色体上平均交换次数为1.84~1.03次,在6号染色体随体区域的交换次数显著减少。3)该群体在1、2、3、8号染色体上存在明显的偏分离现象;通过高频次、高密度的交换,染色体两臂端粒区域理论分离系数表现出回归到50%的趋势。利用获得的重组交换及分离规律可提高从DH群体中筛选到预期育种材料的准确性。
关键词:  SNP基因芯片  DH群体  基因分型  重组交换  偏分离
Study on genetic rule of maize doubled haploid population based on Maize6H-60K accurate-genotyping
MA Shipeng1,2,ZHANG Yunlong2,DUAN Minxiao2,YI Hongmei2,XU Liwen2,GE Jianrong2,FAN Yaming2,ZHAO Yikun2,TIAN Hongli2,YANG Yang2,HUO Yongxue2,WANG Fengge2,WANG Rui2*,LI Li1*
1. College of Agronomy, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2. Maize Research Institute, Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Science, Beijing 100097, China
In order to analyze the genetic rule of maize doubled haploid(DH)population, the ‘Xianyu 335' DH population was used for genotyping with the Maize6H-60K array, and the molecular markers were screened and corrected with a developed accurate strategy. The results showed that: 1)A total of 18 947 clustered SNP markers covering the whole genome of maize were obtained by eliminating monomorphic, heterozygous and the missing data with the accurate genotyping strategy. 2)The average recombinant frequency of ten chromosomes was 1. 84-1. 03 in the ‘Xianyu 335' DH population. The recombination frequency in the satellite region of chromosome 6 was significantly reduced. 3)There was obvious segregation distortion on chromosome 1, 2, 3 and 8 in this population; through higher recombinant frequency and denser in the telomere regions of each chromosome, an tendency of returning to 50% of the theoretical segregation coefficient was discovered. The obtained recombination exchange and separation rules can be used to improve the accuracy of screening prospective breeding materials from DH population.
Key words:  SNP gene array  double haploid population  genotyping  recombination exchange  segregation distortion