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高艺菡, 高阳
中国农业大学 资源与环境学院土地资源管理系/国土资源部农用地质量与监控重点实验室, 北京 100193
关键词:  土地整治  层次分析法  模糊综合评价法  三生评价体系  内蒙古
Benefit evaluation of land consolidation based on productive-ecological-living function: A case study of three project areas in Inner Mongolia
GAO Yihan, GAO Yang
College of Resources and Environmental Sciences/Key Laboratory of Agricultural Land Qualify, Monitoring and Control, Ministry of Land and Resources, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
To investigate the impacts of consolidation,rehabilitation and development on land production,ecology and life benefits,three typical project areas in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region were selected.The benefits of land consolidation were evaluated by analytic hierarchy process (AHP) and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.The results showed that the benefits of land consolidation had some synergistic effects,but there are still some differences among productive,ecological,and living functions.The improvement of production efficiency in the areas with good natural background was greater than that of poor natural conditions.The improvement of the production and living facilities in the densely-populated areas was obviously more significant than that in the sparsely populated areas.The land consolidation should be fully carried out according to the local conditions,digging its development potential to improve consolidation efficiency.
Key words:  land consolidation  analytic hierarchy process  fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method  productive-ecological-living evaluation system  Inner Mongolia