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张红玉1, 王桂琴2, 顾军1, 李国学3
1.北京建筑材料科学研究总院 固废资源化利用与节能建材国家重点实验室, 北京 100041;2.北京市环境卫生设计科学研究所, 北京 100028;3.中国农业大学 资源与环境学院, 北京 100193
为减少厨余垃圾堆肥过程中恶臭物质的排放,设计通风方式对H2S和NH3排放影响的进行研究。厨余垃圾和玉米秸秆按照湿基比例85:15进行充分混合后作为堆肥原料,堆肥试验在100-L的密闭发酵罐中进行,堆肥周期为30 d。堆肥试验分别设置2.2(T1,持续通风)、3.3(T2,通风40 min,停20 min)和6.6 m3/(m3·h)(T3,通风20 min,停40 min)3种通风方式。结果表明:3个堆肥处理均满足无害化和堆肥腐熟的要求;在总通风量相同的情况下,间歇通风方式有利于降低H2S排放,但是过大的通风量会增加堆肥过程中的总硫损失;通风量对NH3的排放影响较大,通风量越大,NH3的排放量越高,通风方式对NH3的排放几乎没有影响。综合堆肥的无害化指标、H2S和NH3的排放以及最终堆肥产品的品质,本试验条件下通风量为3.3 m3/(m3·h)的间歇通风方式既能有效控制H2S和NH3的排放,减少N和S营养元素损失,又能满足堆肥的无害化和堆肥产品的腐熟。
关键词:  厨余垃圾  堆肥  通风方式  H2S  NH3
Effect of ventilation mode on H2S and NH3 emissions during kitchen waste composting
ZHANG Hongyu1, WANG Guiqin2, GU Jun1, LI Guoxue3
1.Beijing Building Materirals Academy of Science Research/State Key Laboratory of Solid Waste Reuse for Building Material, Beijing 100041, China;2.Beijing Environmental Sanitation Engineering Research Institute, Beijing 100028, China;3.College of Resource and Environment Science, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
In order to reduce odor substances emissions during kitchen waste composting process,experiments were designed to investigate the effects of ventilation mode on H2S and NH3 emissions.Aerobic composting of kitchen waste and cornstalks was conducted at a ratio of 85:15(wet weight basis)in 100-L reactors for 30 days.The gas emissions were analyzed with a force aeration at rates of 2.2(T1,continuous ventilation),3.3(T2,run 40 min and stop 20 min) and 6.6(T3,run 20 min and stop 30 min)m3/(m3·h),respectively.The results showed all compost products met with national sanitation standard and reached maturity according to composting temperature.In the case of the same total air volume for three treatments,intermittent ventilation was beneficial to reduce H2S emission,but excessive ventilation increased the total sulfur loss during composting process.The NH3 emission reduced as the ventilation decreased,and ventilation mode had little effect on NH3 emission.Taking comprehensive consideration of non-hazard index,H2S and NH3 emissions,and compost quality,the ventilation mode of 3.3 m3/(m3·h)(run 40 min and stop 20 min) was recommended to be applied to control H2S and NH3 emissions during kitchen waste composting process.
Key words:  kitchen waste  composting  ventilation mode  H2S  NH3