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胡庆勇, 卫旭彪, 张璐璐, 斯大勇, 张日俊
中国农业大学 动物科技学院/动物营养学国家重点实验室, 北京 100193
为测定实验室前期构建的可分泌Melittin(1-13)-LL(17-30)(M-L)杂合肽的毕赤酵母工程菌发酵上清液的抑菌谱以及生物稳定性。采用牛津杯琼脂扩散法测定其对16株指示菌的抑菌效果,以及经过模拟胃肠液和不同温度处理后的稳定性。结果表明,上清液对多种致病菌具有良好的抑菌效果,且抑菌直径半数在20 mm以上,而对有益菌屎肠球菌无抑菌作用;经模拟胃液处理后,活性明显下降;但经过模拟肠液以及不同温度梯度处理后抑菌活性无明显变化。因此,杂合肽M-L发酵液抑菌谱广,温度耐受性好,但在胃液中稳定性较差。
关键词:  抗菌抗病毒杂合肽M-L  发酵液  抑菌谱  模拟胃肠液  温度稳定性
Antibacterial spectrum and stability of the fermentation broth of hybrid antimicrobial and antiviral peptide M-L
HU Qingyong, WEI Xubiao, ZHANG Lulu, SI Dayong, ZHANG Rijun
College of Animal Science and Technology/State Key Laboraty of Animal Nutrition, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
The inhibitory spectrum and biological stability of the fermentation broth of Melittin (1-13)-LL (17-30) (M-L) hybrid peptide engineering bacteria obtained from our earlier work were studied.Oxford cup assay was used to mensurate inhibitory spectrum on 16 indicator bacteria and investigate simulative digestive stability and thermal stability.The fermentation broth exhibited antibacterial ability to all tested strains except for Enterococcus faecium,which was a beneficial bacterium in the intestine,and the inhibition diameter more than 20 mm for most bacteria we determined;Treated in simulated gastric juice for 15 min,the antibacterial activity of M-L decreased significantly.However,after processed by simulated intestinal juice and a series of temperature gradient,no significant change on antibacterial activity was observed.In summary,the fermentation broth of hybrid peptide M-L had a broad antibacterial spectrum,excellent temperature stability,but a low stability in gastric juice.
Key words:  hybrid antibacterial and antiviral peptide M-L  fermentation broth  inhibitory spectrum  simulated gastrointestinal juice  heat stability