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赵渊渊1, 董春娟1, 赵建忠2, 尚庆茂1
1.中国农业科学院 蔬菜花卉研究所/农业部园艺作物生物学与种质创制重点实验室, 北京 100081;2.山西省农业种子总站, 太原 030006
为研究夜温对辣椒套管嫁接苗砧穗愈合速率和质量的影响,以辣椒砧木品种‘格拉夫特’和接穗品种‘中椒6号’为试材,通过显微观察等方法研究不同夜温处理(18、23和28℃)后辣椒嫁接苗砧穗的愈合情况。结果表明:夜温18℃,嫁接苗愈伤组织细胞层数少,维管束连接时间长,嫁接愈合进程缓慢;木质部输导能力弱,叶绿素含量低,干物质积累少,嫁接愈合质量差。夜温23和28℃,接合部隔离层薄、消失时间短,维管束连接快,且嫁接成活率高,叶绿素含量及干物质积累多。其中,夜温23℃与夜温28℃相比,愈合质量较高,嫁接后6 d木质部输导能力提高了37%;12 d砧/穗接合力提高了19%,两者存在显著差异。本试验结果表明,在昼温28℃不变的情况下,夜温23℃最有利于辣椒嫁接苗砧穗愈合。
关键词:  辣椒  夜温  嫁接  愈合
Effects of night temperature on rootstock and scion healing of tube grafted pepper plug seedlings
ZHAO Yuan-yuan1, DONG Chun-juan1, ZHAO Jian-zhong2, SHANG Qing-mao1
1.Institute of Vegetables and Flowers/Key Laboratory of Biology and Genetic Improvement of Horticultural Corps of Ministry of Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China;2.Agricultural seeds station of Shanxi Province, Taiyuan 030006, China
In order to investigate the effects of different night temperatures (18,23 and 28℃) on the rate and quality of healing of tube grafted pepper,the pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) 'craft' was applied as rootstock and 'Zhongjiao No.6' was applied as scion.The results showed that the process of vascular connection and healing was slower at 18℃ at night than that of 23 and 28℃.Translocation ability of xylem was reduced at 18℃.Moreover,chlorophyll content,dry weight and the layers of callus cells were also decreased,all of above situations resulted in impaired healing quality.The isolation layer was thinner and disappeared sooner at 23 and 28℃ than at 18℃.Vascular was also connected quickly.Grafting survival rate,chlorophyll content and dry weight were all higher.Compared to 28℃ night temperature treatment,quality of healing at 23℃ was better and its translocation ability of xylem on 6 d was enhanced by 37%,connecting force on 12 d was increased by 19%.There were significant differences between 28℃ and 23℃ treatments.Our study provides insight of the situation of 28℃ day temperature,23℃ night temperature is the best night temperature for healing of tube grafted pepper.
Key words:  pepper  night temperature  grafting  healing quality