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董园园1,2, 齐振宏1,2, 张董敏1,2, 冯良宣1,2
1.华中农业大学 经济管理学院, 武汉 430070;2.湖北农村发展研究中心, 武汉 430070
消费者对转基因食品(Genetically Modified Foods,GMF)的感知风险及购买意愿不仅事关政府和企业的相关决策,而且事关转基因食品的可持续发展。本研究基于武汉市384名消费者的调查数据,通过因子分析和回归分析的二步模型,对消费者的GMF感知风险及其对购买意愿的影响进行实证分析。研究表明,消费者对GMF的感知风险主要集中在4个方面,即:人体健康风险、社会经济风险、生态环境风险和食品功能风险。其中,前三者显著影响消费者对GMF的购买意愿,食品功能感知风险对GMF购买意愿的影响并不显著。
关键词:  转基因食品(GMF)  消费者  感知风险  购买意愿
Effect of perceived risks of GMF on consumers’purchase intention:Based on a survey conducted in Wuhan
DONG Yuan-yuan1,2, QI Zhen-hong1,2, ZHANG Dong-min1,2, FENG Liang-xuan1,2
1.College of Economics and Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070, China;2.Hubei Rural Development Research Center, Wuhan 430070, China
Consumers'perception and purchase intention towards genetically modified foods(GMF) is not only an important consideration for government and business to make decisions, but also affect the sustainable development of GMF.This paper makes an empirical analysis on consumers'perceived risks of GMF and its effect on consumers'purchase intention by using the data collected from a survey conducted in Wuhan.The results showed consumers'perception on potential risks of GMF were mainly physical risks, socio-economic risks, eco-environmental risks, and functional risks, among which the first three perceived risks significantly affected consumers'purchase intention, whereas the effect of functional risk is not distinct.
Key words:  Genetically Modified Foods (GMF)  consumers  perceived risks  purchase intention