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李巍1,2, 王艳秋2, 邹剑秋2, 张飞2
1.沈阳农业大学 研究生院,沈阳 110866;2.辽宁省农业科学院 高粱研究所,沈阳 110161
关键词:  甜高粱  配合力  农艺性状
基金项目:农业部现代农业产业技术体系项目(CARS-06); 国际合作项目(CFC/FIGG/41); 辽宁省科技基金博士启动项目(20061045); 948项目(2012-Z54)
Analyssi of the combining ability for major agronomic traits in the breeding lines of sweet sorghum (Sorghum bicolor)
LI Wei1,2, WANG Yan-qiu2, ZOU Jiang-qiu2, ZHANG Fei2
1.Graduate School of Shenyang Agriculture University,Shenyang 110866,China;2.Sorghum Research Institute,Liaoning Academy of Agriculture Sciences,Shenyang 110161,China
Five A(male sterile) lines and five R(restorer) lines of sweet sorghum were selected to examine their combining ability for major agronomic traits.Twenty-five crossing combinations were made by incomplete diallelic cross method and plant height,growth period,Brix,chlorophyll and yield were analysed with statistical software DPS.The results showed that the sterile lines 303A was an ideal sweet sorghum sterile lines with outstanding comprehensive character and high general combining ability,followed by L0202A.The R lines LTR108 and LTR114 showed good performance and high general combining ability.The combinations of 303A/LTR114,L0202A/LTR108 and L0202A/LTR114 are ideal high yield and Brix contente.Our results provided evidence for selecting the right combinations for high sugars and high yield.
Key words:  sweet sorghum  combining ability  agronomic traits