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吴静利, 宗鹏鹏, 严沐清, 朱立新, 贾克功
中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院, 北京 100193
为评价陕甘山桃(Prunus davidiana var.potaninii Rehd)对根癌病的抗性,以实生钵苗为试材,采用人工接种的方法研究了其对根癌土壤杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens Conn)和发根土壤杆菌(A.rhizogenes Conn)的抗性。结果表明:接种后60 d,接种根癌土壤杆菌的陕甘山桃的株最大瘤径范围为0~10.1 mm,平均瘤径2.7 mm,接种发根土壤杆菌的株最大瘤径范围为0~11.6 mm,平均瘤径3.0 mm,根据抗性评价标准判定陕甘山桃群体高抗根癌土壤杆菌和高抗发根土壤杆菌。但陕甘山桃对根癌土壤杆菌和发根土壤杆菌的抗性存在广泛的的株间分离现象,均分离为免疫、高抗、中抗、低抗、感病和易感病6种类型,对根癌土壤杆菌免疫、高抗、中抗、低抗、感病和易感病型植株分别占群体总数的28%、33%、19%、13%、6%和1%,对发根土壤杆菌免疫、高抗、中抗、低抗、感病和易感病型植株分别占群体总数的16%、46%、15%、13%、8%和2%。陕甘山桃是优异的抗根癌病种质资源。
关键词:  陕甘山桃  根癌病  根癌土壤杆菌  发根土壤杆菌  抗性评价
Resistance evaluation of Prunus davidiana var.potaninii rehd to crown gall disease
WU Jing-li, ZONG Peng-peng, YAN Mu-qing, ZHU Li-xin, JIA Ke-gong
College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China
In order to find out the resistance of Prunus davidiana var.potaninii Rehd to crown gall disease,the seedlings were used as materials to study the resistance of Prunus davidiana var.potaninii Rehd to A.tumefaciens and A.rhizogenes,applying the method of artificial inoculation.The results showed that Prunus davidiana var.potaninii Rehd was excellent germplasm resource resisting to crown gall disease.In 60 days after inoculation,the range of the maximum tumor diameter of inoculation seedlings to A.tumefaciens Conn was 0~10.1 mm with 2.7 mm on average,while it was 0~11.6 mm to A.rhizogenes Conn with 3.0 mm on average.According to the resistance evaluation standard of Prunus davidiana var.potaninii Rehd to Crown Gall Disease,it highly resisted to A.tumefaciens Conn and it was separated into 6 types,including being immune,highly resistant,moderately resistant,low resistant,susceptible and highly susceptible and their corresponding percentages were 35%,26%,19%,13%,6% and 1% respectively.There were also the same 6 types to A.rhizogenes Conn,and the corresponding percentages were 27%,35%,15%,13%,8% and 2% respectively.
Key words:  Prunus davidiana var.potaninii Rehd  crown gall disease  Agrobacterium tumefaciens conn  Agrobacterium rhizogenes conn  resistance evaluation