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宋可珂1, 陈红艳1, 廖蓉苏1, 贠延滨2
1.北京林业大学 理学院, 北京 100083;2.北京林业大学 环境与工程学院, 北京 100083
研究北京地区栽种的5种不同品种玫瑰花中黄酮含量及抗氧化性能。设计正交试验,确定玫瑰花黄酮的最佳提取条件,采用邻苯三酚自氧化体系和二苯代苦味酰自由基(DPPH)体系进行抗氧化性研究。试验结果表明:最佳提取条件为,乙醇体积分数65%,提取温度70℃,提取时间1.5 h,液料比(V(乙醇(φ=65%)):m(玫瑰花粉))30 mL:1 g;妙峰山玫瑰中黄酮含量最高,为66.040 mg/g;5种玫瑰花均表现出较强的清除超氧阴离子自由基(O2-·)和DPPH自由基(DPPH·)的能力,且其清除能力和黄酮提取液浓度呈正相关;其中妙峰山玫瑰中总黄酮的清除能力最强,其清除O2-·和DPPH·的半抑制浓度(IC50)相应为0.067和0.136 mg/mL,但与维生素C(VC)相比,其抗氧化能力略低于VC。
关键词:  玫瑰花  黄酮  提取  抗氧化性
Study on extraction and anti-oxidation property of flavonoids from Roses
SONG Ke-ke1, CHEN Hong-yan1, LIAO Rong-su1, YUN Yan-bin2
1.College of Science, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China;2.College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, China
In order to study the contents and anti-oxidation of flavonoids,five species of Roses planted in Beijing were investigated.From the Roses,the optimum extraction condition of flavonoids was determined by orthogonal design and the scavenging activities.The results showed that the optimum extraction conditions for Roses flavonoids were as follows:ethanol concentration was 65%,extraction temperature was at 70℃,extraction time was 1.5 h and ratio of liquid to solids was 30 mL:1 g;Miaofengshang had the hightest content of flavonoids which up to 66.040 mg/g.Anti-oxidation experiments showed that flavonoids from the five species of Roses had very strong scavenging capabilities for superoxide anion and DPPH free radical.The scavenging capability of Miaofengshang among these species was the strongest,and its IC50 values of superoxide anion and DPPH free radical were 0.067、0.136 mg/mL respectively,but its anti-oxidant activity was slightly lower than VC.
Key words:  flavonoids  Roses  extraction  anti-oxidation