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赵永钦1, 吴新新1, 郑禾2, 路河3, 郭仰东1
1.中国农业大学 农学与生物技术学院, 北京 100193;2.北京市海淀区农业科学研究所, 北京 100080;3.北京市昌平区农业技术推广中心, 北京 102208
为筛选草莓花药培养及单倍体植株最适宜的培养条件,以草莓栽培品种‘甜查理’和‘章姬’为材料,研究不同预处理方式、花序以及激素种类和配比对草莓花药愈伤组织诱导和分化效率的影响。结果表明:在4℃低温预处理过程中,始终保持花蕾表面湿润状态较自然状态下更能提高草莓花药愈伤的诱导率,最佳处理时间为72 h;北京地区越冬栽培的草莓第1、2花序的花药较第3、4花序花药具有更好的培养效果;筛选出最佳愈伤诱导培养基,其中‘甜查理’愈伤诱导效率最高达到91.67%,‘章姬’为87.28%;筛选出最佳分化培养基,其中‘甜查理’最高分化率达到19.10%,‘章姬’为10.59%。共获得花药培养植株688株,其中‘甜查理’445株,‘章姬’243株。‘甜查理’再生植株中八倍体 (2n=8x=56)、四倍体(2n=4x=28)植株所占百分比分别为90.43%和7.62%,其他为非整倍体植株。‘章姬’再生植株中八倍体和四倍体植株所占百分比分别为93.42%和4.32%,其他为非整倍体植株。建立了草莓花药培养高频诱导体系并获得了单倍体植株。
关键词:  草莓  花药培养  单倍体育种
Regenerating haploid callus and plantlets from anther culture of strawberry ‘Sweet Charlie' and ‘Akihime'
ZHAO Yong-qin1, WU Xin-xin1, ZHENG He2, LU He3, GUO Yang-dong1
1.College of Agronomy and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2.Institute of Haidian Agricultural Science, Beijing 100080, China;3.Beijing Changping Agro-Technical Extension Centre, Beijing 102200, China
This research was to study the suitable conditions for anther culture of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.).The investigated impacts included the effects of different cold pretreatments,inflorescences and hormone concentrations on callus induction and differentiation in anther culture of strawberry.The results indicated that maintenance of moist surface of bud could improve the callus induction rate of anther culture during the cold pretreatment at 4℃.The most appropriate duration was 72 hours.For the cultivation of over-wintering strawberry in Beijing,the first and the second inflorescences were more suitable for anther culture than the third and the fourth on callus induction and differentiation.The suitable medium for callus induction was obtained.The callus induction rates of ‘Sweet Charlie' and ‘Akihime' were 91.67% and 87.68%,respectively.The best medium for differentiation was found.The differentiation rates of ‘Sweet Charlie' and ‘Akihime' were 19.10% and 10.59%.Totally,688 (including 445 ‘Sweet Charlie' and 243 ‘Akihime' plants) anther derived plants were obtained through this experiment.In the analysis of ‘Sweet Charlie',diploids covered (2n=8x=56) 90.43%,haploids (2n=4x=28) 7.62% and the others were aneuploids among the 445 regenerated plants.For ‘Akihime',diploids covered 93.42%,haploids 4.32% and the others were aneuploids among the 243 regenerated plants.A high frequency induction system of strawberry was established by anther culture and haploid plants were obtained.
Key words:  strawberry  anther culture  haploid breeding