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胡振, 何婧, 臧日宏
(中国农业大学 经济管理学院, 北京 100083)
利用灰色关联分析法和灰色聚类分析法,基于吉林省39个县的数据,对县域农村金融排斥地域差异及影响因素进行测度,结果表明:1)吉林省县域金融排斥严重,金融排斥指数FEI(Financial exclusion index)> 0.5的县占44%;2)县域农村金融排斥存在显著的地域差异,FEI> 0.5的县,50%以上分布在东部地区;3)东部地区半数以上的县FEI≥0.5;4)第一产业比重越高、城乡收入差距越大,则农村金融排斥越严重;5)工资性收入的比重越高、农村金融贡献度越大、农户人均收入水平越高,则金融排斥程度越低.缓解农村金融排斥应该根据影响因素的作用方向采取针对性措施.
关键词:  金融排斥  影响因素  灰色关联  灰色聚类
基金项目:国家哲学社会科学基金重大项目(08&ZD024); 吉林省社会科学基金(2012BS617)
Research on regional differences and influential factors of county rural financial exclusion
HU Zhen, HE Jing, ZANG Ri-hong
(College of Economics & Management, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100083, China)
The regional differences and influencing factors of rural financial exclusion of 39 counties in Jilin province are studied in this research by using the methods of grey correlation analysis and grey clustering analysis.The results show that:1) county financial exclusion is serious in Jilin province,and the number of country that FEI(Financial Exclusion Index) is greater than 0.5 take up 44%;2)Regional differences of county rural financial exclusion are obvious,and more than 50% country that FEI is greater than 0.5 distribute in the east area;3) Half of the county that FEI is greater than 0.5 are located in the eastern region;4) The higher the proportion of primary industry or the greater the income gap between urban-rural areas,the worse rural financial exclusion;5) The higher the proportion of wage income or the bigger the rural financial contribution or the higher the farmers per capita income level,the lower the degree of financial exclusion.Rural financial exclusion can be alleviated by taking corresponding measures according to influencing factors.
Key words:  financial exclusion  influential factor  grey relate analyze  grey cluster analysis method