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刘军1,2, 刘美菊1, 官玉范2, 曹峻2, 戢正华3, 李家军2, 汪晓春2, 沈康荣1,2, 林杉1
(1.中国农业大学 资源与环境学院,北京 100193;2.湖北省十堰市农业局,湖北 十堰 442000;3.湖北省十堰市农业环境保护站,湖北 十堰 442000)
湖北省十堰市地处秦巴山区,水稻是该地区十分重要的粮食作物。季节性缺水和生长前期低温是制约当地水稻生产的主要因素,覆盖地膜是解决上述问题的常用方法。然而,由于覆膜后追肥困难,生产上往往采用一次性基施氮肥,由此可能造成覆膜水稻前期生长过旺,后期出现缺氮的现象,该体系内的氮素吸收利用规律报道较少。2004—2006年,在湖北省十堰市布置了田间试验,研究覆膜湿润栽培体系中水稻生长速率、产量形成和氮素吸收的基本规律,为进一步优化水稻覆膜湿润栽培体系提供理论基础。试验共包括4个处理:1) 常规淹水种植,不施氮肥;2) 覆膜湿润栽培,不施氮肥;3) 常规淹水种植,一次性基施氮肥150 kg/hm2;4) 覆膜湿润栽培,一次性基施氮肥150 kg/hm2。测定了水稻鲜干重、分蘖动态、叶面积、籽粒产量及其构成因子、作物生长速率和氮素吸收速率。研究结果表明:不施用氮肥条件下,与常规淹水处理相比,覆膜湿润栽培显著地提高了水稻地上部生物量、有效穗数、穗实粒数、结实率和籽粒产量,收获指数无显著差异。一次性基施氮肥后,覆膜水稻前期的生长速率和氮素吸收速率显著高于相应的淹水处理,表现出旺长趋势;而后期则低于淹水处理,且穗实粒和收获指数均有下降的趋势,进而造成覆膜水稻籽粒产量增加不显著。总之,覆膜后一次性基施氮肥导致水稻生长前期大量吸收氮素、生长过旺,而后期缺氮、分蘖成穗率和结实率下降,影响了水稻覆膜湿润栽培增产潜力的发挥。
关键词:  水稻  覆膜湿润栽培  节水  作物生长速率  氮素吸收速率
Grain yield and nitrogen uptake were affected by the Ground-Cover-Rice-Production-System with plastic film covering
LIU Jun1,2, LIU Mei-ju1, GUAN Yu-fan2, CAO Jun2, JI Zheng-hua3, LI Jia-jun2, WANG Xiao-chun2, SHEN Kang-rong1,2, LIN Shan1
(1.College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China;2.Shiyan Agricultural Bureau, Shiyan 442000, China;3.Shiyan Extention Station of Agricultural Environmental Protect, Shiyan 442000, China)
Rice is a staple cereal crop in Shiyan, an area surrounded by the Qinba Mount, Hubei Province. In this region, seasonal water scarcity and low temperature during early growing period of rice are two major limiting factors for rice production. To circumvent these problems, the so-called Ground Cover Rice Production System (GCRPS) was developed. A three-year (from 2004 to 2006) field experiment was performed in Huangtu village, Shiyan, Hubei province. This experiment was designed to study rice grain yield formation and nitrogen uptake under GCRPS in which plastic film was used for optimizing nitrogen management of this production system. Four treatments were carried out:1) traditional paddy rice without fertilizer N; 2) GCRPS without fertilizer N; 3) traditional paddy rice with 150 kg/hm2 fertilizer N as basal application; 4) GCRPS with 150 kg/hm2 fertilizer N as basal application. Above ground biomass, dynamics of tiller number, leaf area index, grain yield and its relevant parameters, crop growth rate and N uptake rate were measured. The total above ground biomass, productive tiller number, filled grain number, percentage of filled grain number, and grain yield with GCRPS treatment increased significantly compared with the traditional paddy treatment without nitrogen application, whereas the harvest index had no significant difference between the two systems. Since the later fertilization was difficult for GCRPS, 150 kg/hm2 was applied as basal fertilizer in GCRPS, and both the rice growth rate and N uptake rate of GCRPS were significantly higher than that of traditional paddy rice with N application at the early vegetation stage, whereas lower at the later stage. The grain yield did not significantly increase as expected due to the low value of filled grain number and harvest index. It can be concluded that the rapid growth of rice at the early vegetation stage after the film covering might lead to N deficiency at the productive stage.
Key words:  rice  Ground Cover Rice Production System (GCRPS)  water saving techniques  crop growth rate  N uptake rate